Thursday, January 10, 2008

Modern Algebra with Applications 2nd Edition

Modern Algebra with Applications 2nd Edition
Wiley-Interscience | 2003 | 352 pages | ISBN-10: 0471414514 | 1.86 MB | DJVU

Blending the theoretical with the practical in the instruction of modern algebra, Modern Algebra with Applications, Second Edition provides interesting and important applications of this subject—effectively holding your interest and creating a more seamless method of instruction. Filled with in-depth insights and over six hundred exercises of varying difficulty, this invaluable text can help anyone appreciate and understand this subject.

A Course in Homological Algebra (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)

A Course in Homological Algebra (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Springer 2nd Edition | 1997 | 384 pages | ISBN-10: 0387948236 | DJVU | 4.84 MB

This classic book provides a broad introduction to homological algebra, including a comprehensive set of exercises. Since publication of the first edition homological algebra has found a large number of applications in many different fields. Today, it is a truly indispensable tool in fields ranging from finite and infinite group theory to representation theory, number theory, algebraic topology and sheaf theory. In this new edition, the authors have selected a number of different topics and describe some of the main applications and results to illustrate the range and depths of these developments. The background assumes little more than knowledge of the algebraic theories groups and of vector spaces over a field.


Abel's Theorem in Problems and Solutions: Based on the lectures of Professor V.I. Arnold - Reup.

Abel's Theorem in Problems and Solutions: Based on the lectures of Professor V.I. Arnold (The Kluwer International Series in Engineering & Computer Science)
Springer | ISBN: 1402021860 | 269 pages | July 2004 | PDF | 4.7 Mb

Do formulas exist for the solution to algebraical equations in one variable of any degree like the formulas for quadratic equations? The main aim of this book is to give new geometrical proof of Abel's theorem, as proposed by Professor V.I. Arnold. The theorem states that for general algebraical equations of a degree higher than 4, there are no formulas representing roots of these equations in terms of coefficients with only arithmetic operations and radicals. A secondary, and more important aim of this book, is to acquaint the reader with two very important branches of modern mathematics: group theory and theory of functions of a complex variable. This book also has the added bonus of an extensive appendix devoted to the differential Galois theory, written by Professor A.G. Khovanskii. As this text has been written assuming no specialist prior knowledge and is composed of definitions, examples, problems and solutions, it is suitable for self-study or teaching students of mathematics, from high school to graduate.


Introduction to Topological Manifolds

Introduction to Topological Manifolds (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) by John M. Lee (Author)
Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (June 1, 2000) | ISBN-10: 0387950265 | linked PNG-files | 23 Mb | 400 pages

This book is an introduction to manifolds at the beginning graduate level. It contains the essential topological ideas that are needed for the further study of manifolds, particularly in the context of differential geometry, algebraic topology, and related fields. Its guiding philosophy is to develop these ideas rigorously but economically, with minimal prerequisites and plenty of geometric intuition. A course on manifolds differs from most other introductory mathematics graduate courses in that the subject matter is often completely unfamiliar. Unlike algebra and analysis, which all math majors see as undergraduates, manifolds enter the curriculum much later. It is even possible to get through an entire undergraduate mathematics education without ever hearing the word "manifold." Yet manifolds are part of the basic vocabulary of modern mathematics, and students need to know them as intimately as they know the integers, the real numbers, Euclidean spaces, groups, rings, and fields. In his beautifully conceived introduction, the author motivates the technical developments to follow by explaining some of the roles manifolds play in diverse branches of mathematics and physics. Then he goes on to introduce the basics of general topology and continues with the fundamental group, covering spaces, and elementary homology theory. Manifolds are introduced early and used as the main examples throughout. John M. Lee is currently Professor of Mathematics at the University of Washington.

Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, Third Edition

Brian Hahn / Dan Valentine, «Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, Third Edition»
Newnes | ISBN-10: 0750684178 /ISBN-13: 9780750684170 | 3 edition (March 8, 2007) | PDF | 3 Mb | 448 pages

The essential guide to MATLAB as a problem solving tool

This text presents MATLAB both as a mathematical tool and a programming language, giving a concise and easy to master introduction to its potential and power. Stressing the importance of a structured approach to problem solving, the text gives a step-by-step method for program design and algorithm development. The fundamentals of MATLAB are illustrated throughout with many examples from a wide range of familiar scientific and engineering areas, as well as from everyday life.


Includes MATLAB Version 7.2, Release 2006a
Numerous simple exercises provide hands-on learning of MATLABs functions
A new chapter on dynamical systems shows how a structured approach is used to solve more complex problems.
Common errors and pitfalls highlighted
Concise introduction to useful topics for solving problems in later engineering and science courses: vectors as arrays, arrays of characters, GUIs, advanced graphics, simulation and numerical methods
Text and graphics in four colour
Extensive instructor support

Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists is an ideal textbook for a first course on MATLAB or an engineering problem solving course using MATLAB, as well as a self-learning tutorial for students and professionals expected to learn and apply MATLAB for themselves.

Additional material is available for lecturers only at This website provides lecturers with:
# A series of Powerpoint presentations to assist lecture preparation
# Extra quiz questions and problems
# Additional topic material
# M-files for the exercises and examples in the text (also available to students at the books companion site)
# Solutions to exercises
# An interview with the revising author, Daniel Valentine

Numerous simple exercises give hands-on learning
A chapter on algorithm development and program design
Common errors and pitfalls highlighted
Concise introduction to useful topics for solving problems in later engineering and science courses: vectors as arrays, arrays of characters, GUIs, advanced graphics, simulation and numerical methods
A new chapter on dynamical systems shows how a structured approach is used to solve more complex problems.
Text and graphics in four colour
Extensive teacher support on solutions manual, extra problems, multiple choice questions, PowerPoint slides
Companion website for students providing M-files used within the book





Modeling Biological Systems: Principles and Applications

James W. Haefner, «Modeling Biological Systems: Principles and Applications»
Springer | ISBN 0387250115 | 2 edition (May 6, 2005) | PDF | 24 Mb | 480 pages

Book Description:

This is the second edition of a textbook currently published by Springer for a course in mathematical modeling and computer simulation for biologists at the advanced undergraduate and introductory graduate level. The audience for this edition is similar to that of the previous one: advanced level courses in computational biology, as well as researchers retooling themselves. This new edition includes a CD-ROM with real examples of models as teaching tools.

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Statistical Mechanics of Learning

A. Engel / C. Van den Broeck, «Statistical Mechanics of Learning»
Cambridge University Press | ISBN 0521773075 | 2001-04-02 | PDF | 2 Mb | 342 pages

The effort to build machines that are able to learn and undertake tasks such as datamining, image processing and pattern recognition has led to the development of artificial neural networks in which learning from examples may be described and understood. The contribution to this subject made over the past decade by researchers applying the techniques of statistical mechanics is the subject of this book. The authors provide a coherent account of various important concepts and techniques that are currently only found scattered in papers, supplement this with background material in mathematics and physics, and include many examples and exercises.

Learning is one of the things that humans do naturally, and it has always been a challenge for us to understand the process. Nowadays this challenge has another dimension as we try to build machines that are able to learn and to undertake tasks such as datamining, image processing and pattern recognition. We can formulate a simple framework, artificial neural networks, in which learning from examples may be described and understood. The contribution to this subject made over the last decade by researchers applying the techniques of statistical mechanics is the subject of this book. The authors provide a coherent account of various important concepts and techniques that are currently only found scattered in papers, supplement this with background material in mathematics and physics and include many examples and exercises to make a book that can be used with courses, or for self-teaching, or as a handy reference.

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The A to Z of Mathematics: A Basic Guide

The A to Z of Mathematics: A Basic Guide
496 pages | Wiley-Interscience; 1st edition (July 2002) | English | 0471150452 | 3.5 MB

Thomas Sidebotham's book is a valuable contribution to successful mathematical understanding and will appeal to a wide audience. It is perfect for any student requiring a firm grounding in mathematics; parents struggling to support a son or daughter; teachers who want to give their students clear definitions and simple, well structured examples or for those of us who are faced with mathematical tasks when our knowledge has become rather rusty.

Cognition and Multi-Agent Interaction: From Cognitive Modeling to Social Simulation by Ron Sun

Cognition and Multi-Agent Interaction: From Cognitive Modeling to Social Simulation by Ron Sun (Editor)
Cambridge University Press (December 5, 2005) | ISBN-10: 0521839645 | PDF | 3,2 Mb | 448 pages

This book explores the intersection between cognitive sciences and social sciences. In particular, it explores the intersection between individual cognitive modeling and modeling of multi-agent interaction (social stimulation). The two contributing fields--individual cognitive modeling (especially cognitive architectures) and modeling of multi-agent interaction (including social simulation and, to some extent, multi-agent systems)--have seen phenomenal growth in recent years. However, the interaction of these two fields has not been sufficiently developed. We believe that the interaction of the two may be more significant than either alone.

Logic For Dummies

Logic For Dummies
For Dummies | 2006 | 384 pages | ISBN-10: 0471799416 | PDF | 3.32 MB

Logic concepts are more mainstream than you may realize. There’s logic every place you look and in almost everything you do, from deciding which shirt to buy to asking your boss for a raise, and even to watching television, where themes of such shows as CSI and Numbers incorporate a variety of logistical studies. Logic For Dummies explains a vast array of logical concepts and processes in easy-to-understand language that make everything clear to you, whether you’re a college student of a student of life.

You’ll find out about:

* Formal Logic
* Syllogisms
* Constructing proofs and refutations
* Propositional and predicate logic
* Modal and fuzzy logic
* Symbolic logic
* Deductive and inductive reasoning

Logic For Dummies tracks an introductory logic course at the college level. Concrete, real-world examples help you understand each concept you encounter, while fully worked out proofs and fun logic problems encourage you students to apply what you’ve learned.


Advanced Modern Algebra - Reup.

Advanced Modern Algebra
Prentice Hall | 2002 | 1040 pages | ISBN-10: 0130878685 | PDF | 4.73 MB

This book's organizing principle is the interplay between groups and rings, where “rings” includes the ideas of modules. It contains basic definitions, complete and clear theorems (the first with brief sketches of proofs), and gives attention to the topics of algebraic geometry, computers, homology, and representations. More than merely a succession of definition-theorem-proofs, this text put results and ideas in context so that students can appreciate why a certain topic is being studied, and where definitions originate. Chapter topics include groups; commutative rings; modules; principal ideal domains; algebras; cohomology and representations; and homological algebra. For individuals interested in a self-study guide to learning advanced algebra and its related topics.


Mark H. Holmes, «Introduction to Numerical Methods in Differential Equations» (Texts in Applied Mathematics)

Mark H. Holmes, «Introduction to Numerical Methods in Differential Equations» (Texts in Applied Mathematics)
Publisher: Springer | Number Of Pages: 230 | Publication Date: 2006-10-24 | ISBN / ASIN: 0387308911 | PDF | 2,8 MB

This is a textbook for upper division undergraduates and beginning graduate students. Its objective is that students learn to derive, test and analyze numerical methods for solving differential equations, and this includes both ordinary and partial differential equations. In this sense the book is constructive rather than theoretical, with the intention that the students learn to solve differential equations numerically and understand the mathematical and computational issues that arise when this is done. An essential component of this is the exercises, which develop both the analytical and computational aspects of the material. The importance of the subject of the book is that most laws of physics involve differential equations, as do the modern theories on financial assets. Moreover many computer animation methods are now based on physics based rules and are heavily invested in differential equations. Consequently numerical methods for differential equations are important for multiple areas.

The author currently teaches at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and is an expert in his field. He has previously published a book with Springer, Introduction to Perturbation Methods.

Hans-Walter Bandemer, H. Bandemer, «Mathematics of Uncertainty: Ideas, Methods, Application Problems»

Hans-Walter Bandemer, H. Bandemer, «Mathematics of Uncertainty: Ideas, Methods, Application Problems»
Publisher: Springer |Number Of Pages: 208 | Publication Date: 2005-12-01 | ISBN / ASIN: 3540284575 | PDF | 3 MB

"Mathematics of Uncertainty" provides the basic ideas and foundations of uncertainty, covering the fields of mathematics in which uncertainty, variability, imprecision and fuzziness of data are of importance. This introductory book describes the basic ideas of the mathematical fields of uncertainty from simple interpolation to wavelets, from error propagation to fuzzy sets and neural networks. The book presents the treatment of problems of interpolation and approximation, as well as observation fuzziness which can essentially influence the preciseness and reliability of statements on functional relationships. The notions of randomness and probability are examined as a model for the variability of observation and measurement results. Besides these basic ideas the book also presents methods of qualitative data analysis such as cluster analysis and classification, and of evaluation of functional relationships such as regression analysis and quantitative fuzzy data analysis.

Discrete & Computational Geometry

Discrete & Computational Geometry

Editors-in-Chief: R. Pollack; J.E. Goodman; J. Pach, «Discrete & Computational Geometry»
Springer New York | ISSN: 1432-0444 | Up to 2007(!) | PDF | Each article - separate file | 115 mb

Discrete & Computational Geometry is an international journal of mathematics and computer science, covering a broad range of topics in which geometry plays a fundamental role. It accepts research articles of high quality in discrete geometry and on the design and analysis of geometric algorithms; more specifically, DCG publishes papers on such topics as configurations and arrangements, spatial subdivision, packing, covering, and tiling, geometric complexity, polytopes, point location, geometric probability, geometric range searching, combinatorial and computational topology, probabilistic techniques in computational geometry, geometric graphs, geometry of numbers, and motion planning, as well as papers with a distinct geometric flavor in such areas as graph theory, mathematical programming, real algebraic geometry, matroids, solid modeling, computer graphics, combinatorial optimization, image processing, pattern recognition, crystallography, VLSI design, and robotics.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Hugh Gordon, «Discrete Probability»

Hugh Gordon, «Discrete Probability»
Publisher: Springer | Number Of Pages: 284 | Publication Date: 1997-10-17 | ISBN / ASIN: 0387982272 | DjVu | 1,6 MB

DISCRETE PROBABILITY is a textbook, at a post-calculus level, for a first course in probability. Since continuous probability is not treated, discrete probability can be covered in greater depth. The result is a book of special interest to students majoring in computer science as well as those majoring in mathematics. Since calculus is used only occasionally, students who have forgotten calculus can nevertheless easily understand the book. The slow, gentle style and clear exposition will appeal to students. Basic concepts such as counting, independence, conditional probability, randon variables, approximation of probabilities, generating functions, random walks and Markov chains are presented with good explanation and many worked exercises. An important feature of the book is the abundance of problems, which students may use to master the material. The 1,196 numerical answers to the 405 exercises, many with multiple parts, are included at the end of the book. Throughout the book, various comments on the history of the study of probability are inserted. Biographical information about some of the famous contributors to probability such as Fermat, Pascal, the Bernoullis, DeMoivre, Bayes, Laplace, Poisson, Markov, and many others, is presented. This volume will appeal to a wide range of readers and should be useful in the undergraduate programs at many colleges and universities.

Survey Sampling: Theory and Methods, Second Edition

A.Chaudhuri, H.Stenger, \"Survey Sampling: Theory and Methods\"
CRC | ISBN / ASIN:0824757548 | 2005 | 416 pages | PDF | 2.7MB

Since publication of the first edition in 1992, the field of survey sampling has grown considerably. This new edition of Survey Sampling: Theory and Methods has been updated to include the latest research and the newest methods. The authors have undertaken the daunting task of surveying the sampling literature of the past few decades to provide an outstanding research reference. Starting with the unified theory, the authors explain in the clearest of terms the subsequent developments. In fact, even the most modern innovations of survey sampling, both methodological and theoretical, have found a place in this concise volume. The book includes many techniques not covered adequately in most textbooks.

Think Like A Grandmaster: Algebraic Edition

A. Kotov, \"Think Like A Grandmaster: Algebraic Edition\"
Batsford | ISBN / ASIN:0713478853 | 2003 | 192 pages | Pdf | 8.8 MB

A classic, now available in modern algebraic notation for the first time! Few books have had as much impact on chess literature as this: the first edition sold out within months, and it was immediately recognized as a masterpiece of chess instruction. Twenty years later, it remains a bestseller in the field and one of the best practical training manuals available.

Practical Guide to Chemometrics, Second Edition

Paul Gemperline (Editor) , «Practical Guide To Chemometrics, Second Edition»
CRC | ISBN 1574447831 | 2 edition (April 16, 2006) | PDF | 12 Mb | 552 pages

Book Description

Practical Guide to Chemometrics, Second Edition offers an accessible introduction to application-oriented multivariate methods of data analysis and procedures for solving a variety of problems using analytical chemistry and statistics. This second edition has been completely revised to feature new chapters on principal component analysis, self-modeling curve resolution, and multi-way analysis methods. It includes expanded material on normal distributions, sampling theory, signal processing, and digital filtering. It also discusses trends in chemometrics and identifies areas for future development. With summaries, solutions to problems, recommended reading, and references for each chapter, this text remains an essential resource for students, professionals, and researchers in the field.
Product Details

* Hardcover: 552 pages
* Publisher: CRC; 2 edition (April 16, 2006)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1574447831
* ISBN-13: 978-1574447835

Thanks to wipeout ...





Handbook of Parametric and Nonparametric Statistical Procedures, Third Edition

David J. Sheskin, «Handbook of Parametric and Nonparametric Statistical Procedures, Third Edition»
Chapman & Hall/CRC | ISBN 1584884401 | 3 edition (August 27, 2003)| PDF | 73 Mb | 1193 pages

Editorial Reviews
Sheshkin's handbook has been considered a standard in the field of applied statistics, and the new material in this edition makes it a very worthwhile book. … very organized and easy to follow. … This handbook is carefully edited, and is written in a clear, jargon-free style. … It is a useful reference book for practicing researcher as well as students who are just learning how to analyze statistics in a variety of fields. It is recommended for academic and special libraries, even libraries that already own the first or second edition of this title.
- E-Streams, Vol. 7, No. 10, October 2004

… useful to those wanting a single-volume reference on classical hypothesis tests…
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Issue 167 (4)

The volume is potentially quite useful as a resource for finding something about a lot of different methods.
-Journal of the American Statistical Association

Book Description

The third edition of this best-selling handbook is a remarkable compendium of all the most commonly used classical statistical procedures encountered in practice and the literature. This edition comprises over 1200 pages presenting more than 130 tests--10 of which are completely new to this edition. Fifteen new examples, 23 new illustrations, and significant additions to the background material in Chapter 1 further enhance the book's coverage, accessibility, and value. Designed for beginners and seasoned researchers alike, this book helps users select the appropriate statistical analysis to use in the evaluation of data and clearly illustrates many of the computational procedures used for statistical tests.

See all Editorial Reviews
Product Details

* Hardcover: 1193 pages
* Publisher: Chapman & Hall/CRC; 3 edition (August 27, 2003)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1584884401
* ISBN-13: 978-1584884408

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Kenneth Jenkins, «Teach Yourself Algebra for Electronic Circuits»

Kenneth Jenkins, «Teach Yourself Algebra for Electronic Circuits»
Publisher: McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics | Aug 2001 | ISBN:0071381821 | Pages: 576 | PDF | 11.5 MB

Practical math to help you plan, design, and problem-solve electric circuits

The ideal tool for upgrading career-enhancing math skills, Teach Yourself Algebra for Electronic Circuits helps you learn the methods that support today’s technological growth and innovation. Author Ken Jenkins has put together a genuinely user-friendly tutorial. Every chapter is a self-contained unit, making it easier to find the answers you want and learn at your own pace – without flipping through pages, looking for connections or background. Learn or upgrade your skills with:

* Self-teaching text, complete with worked-out questions/solutions and final exams
*Math that goes beyond elementary algebra, without the burden of heavy-duty calculus you don’t need
* Circuit-focused applications, illustrations, and examples
* Special help with the algebra of logic and matrices
*Hundreds of practical problems with detailed solutions throughout the book
* Over 300 illustrations to help you learn quickly and easily

A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory

A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory
Springer | 2000 | 545 pages | ISBN-10: 3540556400 | 7.13 MB | DJVU

This book describes 148 algorithms which are fundamental for number-theoretic computations, in particular for computations related to algebraic number theory, elliptic curves, primality testing and factoring. The first seven chapters lead the reader to the heart of current research in computational algebraic number theory, including recent algorithms for computing class groups and units, as well as elliptic curve computations. The last three chapters give a survey of factoring and primality testing methods, including a detailed description of the number field sieve algorithm. The book ends with a description of available computer packages and some useful tables. The book also contains a large number of exercises. Written by an authority in the field, and one with great practical and teaching experience it is sure to become the standard and indispensable reference on the subject.


A Course in Universal Algebra (Graduate texts in mathematics)

A Course in Universal Algebra (Graduate texts in mathematics)
Springer-Verlag | 1982 | 276 pages | ISBN-10: 0387905782 | PDF | 1.03 MB

\" The book is excellent introduction to Universal Algebra. In fact, I cannot imagine a person studying the subject who is not familiar with this (already) classic book. The only bad part is that it is impossible to find. \"

\" This is one of the more recent basic texts on Universal Algebra. It is very well written, and is an absolute MUST for students of the subject, as well as a great resource for researchers. Unfortunately, it is out of print and extremely difficult to find. I have been looking for a copy in English for seven years with no success. \"


A First Course in Noncommutative Rings

A First Course in Noncommutative Rings
Springer 2 edition | 2001 | 408 pages | ISBN-10: 0387953256 | DJVU | 5.19 MB

This book, an outgrowth of the author¿s lectures at the University of California at Berkeley, is intended as a textbook for a one-semester course in basic ring theory. The material covered includes the Wedderburn-Artin theory of semisimple rings, Jacobson¿s theory of the radical, representation theory of groups and algebras, prime and semiprime rings, local and semilocal rings, perfect and semiperfect rings, etc. By aiming the level of writing at the novice rather than the connoisseur and by stressing the role of examples and motivation, the author has produced a text that is suitable not only for use in a graduate course, but also for self-study in the subject by interested graduate students. More than 400 exercises testing the understanding of the general theory in the text are included in this new edition.


A Primer of Algebraic D-Modules (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)

A Primer of Algebraic D-Modules (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)
Cambridge University Press | 2003 | 219 pages | ISBN-10: 0521551196 | DJVU | 1.84 MB

The theory of D-modules is a rich area of study combining ideas from algebra and differential equations, and it has significant applications to diverse areas such as singularity theory and representation theory. This book introduces D-modules and their applications, avoiding all unnecessary technicalities. The author takes an algebraic approach, concentrating on the role of the Weyl algebra. The author assumes very few prerequisites, and the book is virtually self-contained. The author includes exercises at the end of each chapter and gives the reader ample references to the more advanced literature. This is an excellent introduction to D-modules for all who are new to this area.


A Programmer's Companion to Algorithm Analysis

Ernst L. Leiss, «A Programmer's Companion to Algorithm Analysis»
Chapman & Hall/CRC | ISBN 1584886730 | (September 26, 2006) | PDF | 2.5 Mb | 255 pages

Focusing on practical issues, A Programmer's Companion to Algorithm Analysis bridges the gap between algorithms and software programs.This book explains the fundamental differences between the
computational model assumed for algorithms and the real architectures in which programs execute. It highlights the pitfalls that can occur when implementing an algorithm as software and offers suggestions to solve these problems. The book also explores the interactions among program, compiler, and run-time support system, contrasting this with the simpler model assumed for algorithms. Intended for software
developers and programmers, it places particular emphasis on the implications of the memory hierarchy on program efficiency.

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Mokhtar S. Bazaraa, Hanif D. Sherali, C. M. Shetty, «Nonlinear Programming: Theory and Algorithms»

Mokhtar S. Bazaraa, Hanif D. Sherali, C. M. Shetty, «Nonlinear Programming: Theory and Algorithms»
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience | Number Of Pages: 872 | Publication Date: 2006-05-05 | ISBN / ASIN: 0471486000 | DjVu | 30 MB

Nonlinear Programming: Theory and Algorithms-now in an extensively updated Third Edition- addresses the problem of optimizing an objective function in the presence of equality and inequality constraints. Many realistic problems cannot be adequately represented as a linear program owing to the nature of the nonlinearity of the objective function and/or the nonlinearity of any constraints. The Third Edition begins with a general introduction to nonlinear programming with illustrative examples and guidelines for model construction.

Concentration on the three major parts of nonlinear programming is provided:
* Convex analysis with discussion of topological properties of convex sets, separation and support of convex sets, polyhedral sets, extreme points and extreme directions of polyhedral sets, and linear programming
* Optimality conditions and duality with coverage of the nature, interpretation, and value of the classical Fritz John (FJ) and the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions; the interrelationships between various proposed constraint qualifications; and Lagrangian duality and saddle point optimality conditions
* Algorithms and their convergence, with a presentation of algorithms for solving both unconstrained and constrained nonlinear programming problems

Important features of the Third Edition include:
* New topics such as second interior point methods, nonconvex optimization, nondifferentiable optimization, and more
* Updated discussion and new applications in each chapter
* Detailed numerical examples and graphical illustrations
* Essential coverage of modeling and formulating nonlinear programs
* Simple numerical problems
* Advanced theoretical exercises

The book is a solid reference for professionals as well as a useful text for students in the fields of operations research, management science, industrial engineering, applied mathematics, and also in engineering disciplines that deal with analytical optimization techniques. The logical and self-contained format uniquely covers nonlinear programming techniques with a great depth of information and an abundance of valuable examples and illustrations that showcase the most current advances in nonlinear problems.

Endre Süli, David F. Mayers, «An Introduction to Numerical Analysis»

Endre Süli, David F. Mayers, «An Introduction to Numerical Analysis»
Publisher: Cambridge University Press | Number Of Pages: 444 | Publication Date:2003-09-08 | ISBN / ASIN: 0521007941 | PDF | 4,5 MB

This book has emphasis on analysis of numerical methods, including error bound, consistency, convergence, stability. In most cases, a numerical method is introduced, followed by analysis and proofs. For
engineering students, who like to know more algorithms and a little bit of analysis, this book may not be the best choice. Although this book is mainly about analysis, it does include clear presentation of many numerical methods, including topics in nonlinear equations solving, numerical linear algebra, polynomial interpolation and integration, numerical solution of ODE. In numerical linear algebra, it includes LU factorization with pivoting, Gerschgorin's theorem of eigenvalue positions, Calculating eigenvalues by Jacobi plane rotation, Householder tridiagonalization, Sturm sequence property for tridiagonal symmetric matrix. Interpolation includes Lagrange polynomial, Hermite polynomial, Newton-Cotes integration, Improved Trapezium integration through Romberg method, Oscillation theorem for minimax approximation, Chebyshev polynomial, least square polynomial approximation to a known function, Gauss quadrature using Hermite polynomial, Piecewise linear/cubic splines. Ordinary ddifferential equations section includes initial value problems with one-step and multiple steps, boundary value problems using finite difference and shooting method, Galerkin finite element method. The book gives basic definitions including norms, matrix condition numbers, real symmetric positive definite matrix, Rayleigh quotient, orthogonal polynomials, stiffness, Sobolev space. One place that is not clear is about QR algorithm for tridiagonal matrix.

Numerical simulation of gas pipeline networks: theory, computational implementation, and industrial applications

Numerical simulation of gas pipeline networks: theory, computational implementation, and industrial applications

Numerical simulation of gas pipeline networks: theory, computational implementation, and industrial applications
KomKniga Moscow | ISBN 5-484-00352-0 | 2005 | DJVU | 728 Pages | 7.31 Mb

The book considers computation technologies and methods for numerical simulation intended for solving the problems of improving the operational safety and the efficiency of industrial gas pipeline networks. This approach is based on modern methods of computational mechanics and mathematical optimization.
The application of these methods and technologies is aimed at an integrated assessment of the state of the gas pipeline networks of industrial enterprises and the creation of efficient safe modes for their operation. These methods can be applied both at the stage of a pipeline network’s design and at the stage of its operation. They allow for the development of dangerous malfunctioning of a pipeline network. They can be of use for development and efficiency analysis concerning anti-terrorist activities at big industrial energy plants.
Practical applications of computation technologies and methods of numerical simulation are illustrated with examples of solving industrial problems for gas industry enterprises. The authors demonstrate the efficiency of these technologies and the methods for improving the safety of the oil pipeline networks serving thermal power stations.
The book is intented for scientists and engineers who deal with the design of pipeline networks, the analysis of their actual state, pipeline network insurance and control, improving theirindustrial safety and environmental friendliness, in the context of a wide range of environment-oriented measures. The material is also comprehensible to graduete students in technical high schools.

Eberhard Freitag, Rolf Busam, «Complex Analysis» (Universitext)

Eberhard Freitag, Rolf Busam, «Complex Analysis» (Universitext)
Publisher: Springer | Number Of Pages: 552 | Publication Date: 2005-12-19 | ISBN / ASIN: 3540257241 | PDF | 3,3 MB

The idea of this book is to give an extensive description of the classical complex analysis, here ''classical'' means roughly that sheaf theoretical and cohomological methods are omitted. The first four chapters cover the essential core of complex analysis presenting their fundamental results. After this standard material, the authors step forward to elliptic functions and to elliptic modular functions including a taste of all most beautiful results of this field. The book is rounded by applications to analytic number theory including distinguished pearls of this fascinating subject as for instance the Prime Number Theorem. Great importance is attached to completeness, all needed notions are developed, only minimal prerequisites (elementary facts of calculus and algebra) are required. More than 400 exercises including hints for solutions and many figures make this an attractive, indispensable book for students who would like to have a sound introduction to classical complex analysis.

Dominik Wodarz, «Killer Cell Dynamics Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Immunology»

Dominik Wodarz, «Killer Cell Dynamics Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Immunology»
Publisher: Springer | Number Of Pages: 226 | Publication Date: 2006-11-30 | ISBN / ASIN: 0387308938 | PDF | 2,7 MB

This book reviews how mathematics can be used in combination with biological data in order to improve understanding of how the immune system works. This is illustrated largely in the context of viral infections. Mathematical models allow scientists to capture complex biological interactions in a clear mathematical language and to follow them to their precise logical conclusions. This can give rise to counter-intuitive insights which would not be attained by experiments alone, and can be used for the design of further experiments in order to address the mathematical results.

This book provides both an introduction to the field of mathematical immunology, and an overview of many topics which are the subject of current research, covering a broad variety of immunological topics. It starts with basic principles of immunology and covers the dynamical interactions between the immune system and specific viral infections, including important human pathogens such as HIV. General biological and mathematical background material to both virus infection and immune system dynamics is provided, and each chapter begins with a simple introduction to the biological questions examined.

This book is intended for an interdisciplinary audience. It explains the concept of mathematical modeling in immunology and shows how modeling has been used to address specific questions. It is intended both for the mathematical biologists who are interested in immunology, and for the biological readership that is interested in the use of mathematical models in immunology. Dominik Wodarz is an Associate Professor at the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of California, Irvine.

Jessica Sobanski, «Visual Math: See How Math Makes Sense»

Jessica Sobanski, «Visual Math: See How Math Makes Sense»
208 pages | Publisher: LearningExpress; 1 edition (March 1, 2002) | Language: English | ISBN-10: 1576854043 | PDF | 3,3 MB

Visual Math has been designed to allow learners to "see" why math makes sense. By combining logical math concepts with pictures, previously unclear images will fade and math will suddenly click for you. Pictures, graphs, and diagrams help you understand math questions in the areas of number concepts and properties, fractions and decimals, ratios and proportions, percents, algebra, geometry, and much more. Designed especially for students who have difficulty with conventional math rules, this book gives you step-by step instructions with pictures to help you solve math problems.

Book Info
Specifically designed for the visual learner, this book explores shapes from many different perspectives. Questions and answer explanations are presented as pictures so the students will be able to respond to mathematics questions quickly and confidently. Softcover.
Mathematics--Study and teaching
Visual learning

H. S Carslaw, «Introduction to the Theory of Fourier's Series and Integrals»

H. S Carslaw, «Introduction to the Theory of Fourier's Series and Integrals»
Publisher: Macmillan and Co., Limited | Number Of Pages: 323 | Publication Date: 1921 | ASIN: B0006AIPZG | PDF | 20,4 MB

Introduction to the theory of Fourier's series and integrals and the mathematical theory of the conduction of heat. This was to be the main area of Carslaw's research throughout his life. Jaeger in [5], [2] and [6] claims this book to be Carslaw's most important contribution but Deakin in [4] claims it to be his later work on Laplace transforms. The fact that Jaeger himself collaborated with Carslaw on the Laplace transform work may explain why there are differing opinions here.

Walter G. Kropatsch (Editor), Horst Bischof (Editor), «Digital Image Analysis: Selected Techniques and Applications»

Walter G. Kropatsch (Editor), Horst Bischof (Editor), «Digital Image Analysis: Selected Techniques and Applications»
Publisher: Springer | Number Of Pages:544 | Publication Date: 2001-04-15 | ISBN: 0387950664 | PDF | 9,2 MB

This book presents a broad-ranging edited survey of computational and analytical methods and tools for digital image analysis and interpretation. The book brings together the recent results and methods in a uniform manner, thereby making the information accessible to nonspecialists and specialists alike. Topics and features: * Diverse topics are treated in an integrative style, using a common notation * With theory and applications covered in a single volume, the reader sees immediately that the proposed methods also work in practice * Overview of some key research in digital image processing and pattern recognition methods and tools * Up-to-date coverage of current topics: information fusion, stochastic shape theory, graph-based image analysis and hierarchical systems The book offers a uniquely comprehensive technical survey that not only provides in-depth coverage of the fundamental topics in the field, but also incorporates the newest developments that have arisen. It serves as an excellent and current resource for researchers, practitioners and professionals in computer science and electrical engineering focusing on methodology for digital imaging and analysis.

Murray H. Protter, «Basic Elements of Real Analysis (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)» (Reupload)

Murray H. Protter, «Basic Elements of Real Analysis (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)»
ISBN: 0387984798 | Publisher: Springer | Publication Date: 1998-10-16 | Number Of Pages: 273 | png | 13,3 mb

Book Description
From the author of the highly acclaimed "A First Course in Real Analysis" comes a volume designed specifically for a short one- semester course in real analysis. Many students of mathematics and those students who intend to study any of the physical sciences and computer science need a text that presents the most important material in a brief and elementary fashion. The author has included such elementary topics as the real number system, the theory at the basis of elementary calculus, the topology of metric spaces and infinite series. There are proofs of the basic theorems on limits at a pace that is deliberate and detailed. There are illustrative examples throughout with over 45 figures.

Alfio Quarteroni, Riccardo Sacco, Fausto Saleri, «Numerical Mathematics» (Reupload)

Alfio Quarteroni, Riccardo Sacco, Fausto Saleri, «Numerical Mathematics»
ISBN: 0387989595 | Publisher: Springer | Publication Date: 2000-04-21 | Number Of Pages: 680 | pdf | 3,3 mb

Book Description
Numerical mathematics is the branch of mathematics that proposes, develops, analyzes and applies methods from scientific computing to several fields including analysis, linear algebra, geometry, approximation theory, functional equations, optimization and differential equations. Other disciplines, such as physics, the natural and biological sciences, engineering, and economics and the financial sciences frequently give rise to problems that need scientific computing for their solutions.As such, numerical mathematics is the crossroad of several disciplines of great relevance in modern applied sciences, and can become a crucial tool for their qualitative and quantitative analysis.One of the purposes of this book is to provide the mathematical foundations of numerical methods, to analyze their basic theoretical properties (stability, accuracy, computational complexity) and demonstrate their performances on examples and counterexamples which outline their pros and cons. This is done using the MATLAB software environment which is user-friendly and widely adopted. Within any specific class of problems, the most appropriate scientific computing algorithms are reviewed, their theoretical analyses are carried out and the expected results are verified on a MATLAB computer implementation. Every chapter is supplied with examples, exercises and applications of the discussed theory to the solution of real-life problems.This book is addressed to senior undergraduate and graduate students with particular focus on degree courses in Engineering, Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences. The attention which is paid to the applications and the related development of software makes it valuable also for researchers and users of scientific computing in a large variety of professional fields.

Antonio .J. Conejo, Enrique Castillo, Roberto Minguez, Raquel Garcia-Bertrand, «Decomposition Techniques in Mathematical Progra

Antonio .J. Conejo, Enrique Castillo, Roberto Minguez, Raquel Garcia-Bertrand, «Decomposition Techniques in Mathematical Programming: Engineering and Science Applications»
Publisher:Springer | Number Of Pages:541 | Publication Date:2006-04-10 | ISBN / ASIN: 3540276858 | PDF | 2,5 MB

This textbook for students and practitioners presents a practical approach to decomposition techniques in optimization. It provides an appropriate blend of theoretical background and practical applications in engineering and science, which makes the book interesting for practitioners, as well as engineering, operations research and applied economics graduate and postgraduate students. "Decomposition Techniques in Mathematical Programming" is based on clarifying, illustrative and computational examples and applications from electrical, mechanical, energy and civil engineering as well as applied mathematics and economics. It addresses decomposition in linear programming, mixed-integer linear programming, nonlinear programming, and mixed-integer nonlinear programming, and provides rigorous decomposition algorithms as well as heuristic ones. Practical applications are developed up to working algorithms that can be readily used. The theoretical background of the book is deep enough to be of interest to applied mathematicians. It includes end of chapter exercises and the solutions of the even numbered exercises are included as an appendix.

Table of Contents

1 Motivating examples 3
2 Linear programming : complicating constraints 67
3 Linear programming : complicating variables 107
4 Duality 141
5 Decomposition in nonlinear programming 187
6 Decomposition in mixed-integer programming 243
7 Other decomposition techniques 271
8 Local sensitivity analysis 303
9 Applications 349
A Some GAMS implementations 397
B Exercise solutions 421

Michael R. Hatch, «Vibration Simulation Using MATLAB and ANSYS» (Reupload)

Michael R. Hatch, «Vibration Simulation Using MATLAB and ANSYS»
ISBN: 1584882050 | Publisher: Chapman & Hall/CRC | Publication Date: 2000-09-21 | Number Of Pages: 680 | pdf | 7,7 mb

Book Description

Incorporating the use of MATLAB to help with the solution of problems, this text explores the subject of vibration from a fairly sophisticated, mathematical point of view. With a three degree-of-freedom (DOF) system as a unifying theme, the author develops the associated equations of motion, then in each chapter includes both a closed-form solution and the MATLAB code for solving a problem. The book's unique approach makes it especially useful for engineers who lack experience with state space, and it will prove useful to both the mechanical and control engineering communities in enhancing their ability to communicate.

James Dabney (Editor), «The Student Edition of Simulink Dynamic System Simulation for Matlab User's Guide» (Reupload)

James Dabney (Editor), «The Student Edition of Simulink Dynamic System Simulation for Matlab User's Guide»
Prentice Hall College Div | January 1999 |ISBN: 0136596991 | 605 pages | pdf | 2,3 mb

The Student Edition of SIMULINK v2 enables students to quickly build and test virtual prototypes to explore and study dynamic system concepts at any level of detail with minimal effort using block diagram modeling and simulation. This book includes an extensive library of predefined blocks which can be dragged-and-dropped in order to build dynamic system models, and features hierarchical models — providing concise and easy-to-follow high-level block diagrams along with easy-to-access model parameters. The Student Edition offers seamless integration with the Student Edition of MATLAB 5®. It thus offers an ideal environment for modeling, simulating, analyzing, and interpreting systems across a variety of diverse technical areas — e.g., electrical and mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, biology, economics, and financial systems. For engineering courses modeling complex systems, especially: controls, communications, system dynamics, signal processing.

Mary Attenborough, «Mathematics For Electrical Engineering And Computing» (Reupload)

Mary Attenborough, «Mathematics For Electrical Engineering And Computing»
Paperback: 576 pages | Publisher: Newnes (July 2003) | Language: English | ISBN: 075065855X | pdf | 4,4 mb

Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing embraces many applications of modern mathematics, such as Boolean Algebra and Sets and Functions, and also teaches both discrete and continuous systems - particularly vital for Digital Signal Processing (DSP). In addition, as most modern engineers are required to study software, material suitable for Software Engineering - set theory, predicate and prepositional calculus, language and graph theory - is fully integrated into the book.

Nikos Paragios (Editor), Yunmei Chen (Editor), Olivier Faugeras (Editor), «Handbook of Mathematical Models in Computer Vision»

Nikos Paragios (Editor), Yunmei Chen (Editor), Olivier Faugeras (Editor), «Handbook of Mathematical Models in Computer Vision»
ISBN: 0387263713 | Publisher: Springer | Publication Date: 2005-10-31 | Number Of Pages: 605 | pdf | 85,3 mb

Book Description
This comprehensive volume is an essential reference tool for professional and academic researchers in the filed of computer vision, image processing, and applied mathematics. Continuing rapid advances in image processing have been enhanced by the theoretical efforts of mathematicians and engineers. This marriage of mathematics and computer vision - computational vision - has resulted in a discrete approach to image processing that is more reliable when leveraging in practical tasks. This comprehensive volume provides a detailed discourse on the mathematical models used in computational vision from leading educators and active research experts in this field. Topical areas include: image reconstruction, segmentation and object extraction, shape modeling and registration, motion analysis and tracking, and 3D from images, geometry and reconstruction. The book also includes a study of applications in medical image analysis. Handbook of Mathematical Models in Computer Vision provides a graduate-level treatment of this subject as well as serving as a complete reference work for professionals.

Andrei D. Polyanin, «Handbook of Linear Partial Differential Equations for Engineers» (Reupload)

Andrei D. Polyanin, «Handbook of Linear Partial Differential Equations for Engineers»
Hardcover: 840 pages | Publisher: Chapman & Hall/CRC (October 29, 2003) | Language: English | ISBN: 1584883553 | pdf | 5,8 mb

Book Description
The latest in a series of best-selling differential equation handbooks by these authors, the Handbook of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations presents exact solutions of more than 1600 nonlinear equations encountered in science and engineering--many more than any other book available--including those of parabolic, hyperbolic, elliptic and mixed type. It describes a number of new solutions to nonlinear equations and pays special attention to equations of general form that involve arbitrary functions. A supplement at the end of the book discusses the basic methods for constructing exact solutions and outlines new direct methods of generalized and function separation of variables.

Don L. Vossler, «Exploring Analytic Geometry With Mathematica» (Reupload)

Don L. Vossler, «Exploring Analytic Geometry With Mathematica»
865 pages | Book&CD-Rom edition (October 1999) | Academic Pr; | ISBN: 0127282556 | pdf | 2,8 mb

This book provides a broad introduction to analytic geometry using the Mathematica and Descarta2D computer programs to enhance the numerical, symbolic and graphical nature of the subject. The geometric research tool can be used to explore numerically and symbolically various theorems and relationships of 2-D analytic geometry. It covers the basic elementary geometry, conics, geometric functions and tangent curves. The book also provides a reference of geometric formulae from analytic geometry. A large-scale Mathematica programming tutorial that is instructive in the techniques of object-orientated programming, modular packaging and good overall system design is included. The inclusion of the full source code for the Descarta2D system enables students and researchers to modify and enhance the system for their own purposes.

John C. Nash, «Compact Numerical Methods for Computers Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation» (Reupload)

John C. Nash, «Compact Numerical Methods for Computers Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation»
ISBN: 085274319X | Publisher: Taylor & Francis | Publication Date: 1990-01-01 | Number Of Pages: 278 | pdf | 1,3 mb

A handbook for the computational solution of numerical problems by computer users of all disciplines, particularly relevant to those working with 'small' computers. Emphasis is placed on the various problem types, how they arise and how they can be solved in practical situations. Each problem type is illustrated by an appropriate example and each method is accompanied by a step by step description of the corresponding algorithm.Requiring little previous training in numerical analysis this book may be used as a supplementary text for courses on numerical methods, computational problems or applications of small computers.

Imagining Numbers

Imagining Numbers By Barry Mazur
Penguin Books Ltd | ISBN: 0374174695 | Year:2004 | 288 pages | djvu | 2.6 MB

\"A clear, accessible, beautifully written introduction not only to imaginary numbers, but to the role of imagination in mathematics.\" - George Lakoff, Professor of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley.

"This absorbing and in itself most imaginative book lies in the grand tradition of explanations of what mathematical imagination is--such as those of Hogben, Kasner and Newman, and Polya's How to Solve It. But it is unique in its understanding of and appeal to poetic thought and its analogues, and will appeal particularly to lovers of literature."-John Hollander

"A very compelling, thought-provoking, and even drmataic description of what it means to think mathematically."-Joseph Dauben, Professor of History and History of Science, City University of New York

"Barry Mazur’s Imagining Numbers is quite literally a charming book; it has brought even me, in a dazed state, to the brink of mathematical play."
-Richard Wilbur, author of Mayflies: New Poems and Translations

Gilles Aubert, Pierre Kornprobst, «Mathematical Problems in Image Processing: Partial Differential Equations and the Calculus o

Gilles Aubert, Pierre Kornprobst, «Mathematical Problems in Image Processing:
Partial Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations (Applied Mathematical Sciences)»

ISBN: 0387322000 | ISBN-13: 9780387322001 | Publisher: Springer - 2006-08-01 | 2 Edition | 377 Pages | djvu | 7,96 Mb

Partial differential equations (PDEs) and variational methods were introduced into image processing about fifteen years ago. Since then, intensive research has been carried out. The goals of this book are to present a variety of image analysis applications, the precise mathematics involved and how to discretize them.

Thus, this book is intended for two audiences. The first is the mathematical community by showing the contribution of mathematics to this domain. It is also the occasion to highlight some unsolved theoretical questions. The second is the computer vision community by presenting a clear, self-contained and global overview of the mathematics involved in image processing problems. This work will serve as a useful source of reference and inspiration for fellow researchers in Applied Mathematics and Computer Vision, as well as being a basis for advanced courses within these fields.

During the four years since the publication of the first edition, there has been substantial progress in the range of image processing applications covered by the PDE framework. The main goals of the second edition are to update the first edition by giving a coherent account of some of the recent challenging applications, and to update the existing material. In addition, this book provides the reader with the opportunity to make his own simulations with a minimal effort. To this end, programming tools are made available, which will allow the reader to implement and test easily some classical approaches.

Table of Contents:
1 Introduction 1
2 Mathematical preliminaries 29
3 Image restoration 65
4 The segmentation problem 149
5 Other challenging applications 213
A Introduction to finite difference methods 307
B Experiment yourself! 343

Wavelet Analysis and Applications

Wavelet Analysis and Applications (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis) by Tao Qian (Editor), Mang I. Vai (Editor), Xu Yuesheng (Editor)
Birkhäuser Basel | ISBN-10: 3764377771 | Year:2006 | 588 pages | PDF | 15.6 MB

This volume reflects the latest developments in the area of wavelet analysis and its applications. Since the cornerstone lecture of Yves Meyer presented at the ICM 1990 in Kyoto, to some extent, wavelet analysis has often been said to be mainly an applied area. However, a significant percentage of contributions now are connected to theoretical mathematical areas, and the concept of wavelets continuously stretches across various disciplines of mathematics.

* Approximation and Fourier Analysis

* Construction of Wavelets and Frame Theory

* Fractal and Multifractal Theory

* Wavelets in Numerical Analysis

* Time-Frequency Analysis

* Adaptive Representation of Nonlinear and Non-stationary Signals

* Applications, particularly in image processing

Richard K. Guy, «Unsolved Problems in Number Theory

Richard K. Guy, «Unsolved Problems in Number Theory (Problem Books in Mathematics)»
ISBN: 0387942890 | Publisher: Springer | Publication Date: 1994-07 | Number Of Pages: 300 | djvu | 3,8 mb

This book contains discussions of hundreds of open questions in number theory, organized into 185 different topics. They represent numerous aspects of number theory and are organized into six categories: prime numbers, divisibility, additive number theory, Diophantine equations, sequences of integers, and miscellaneous. To prevent repetition of earlier efforts or duplication of previously known results, an extensive and up-to-date collection of references follows each problem. In the second edition, extensive new material has been added, and corrections have been included throughout the book. This volume is an invaluable supplement to any course in number theory.

George Turrell, «Mathematics for Chemistry & Physics»

George Turrell, «Mathematics for Chemistry & Physics»
ISBN: 0127050515 | Publisher: Academic Press | Publication Date: 2001-12-15 | Number Of Pages: 400 | pdf | 8,7 MB

Chemistry and physics share a common mathematical foundation. From elementary calculus to vector analysis and group theory, Mathematics for Chemistry and Physics aims to provide a comprehensive reference for students and researchers pursuing these scientific fields. The book is based on the authors many classroom experience.

Designed as a reference text, Mathematics for Chemistry and Physics will prove beneficial for students at all university levels in chemistry, physics, applied mathematics, and theoretical biology. Although this book is not computer-based, many references to current applications are included, providing the background to what goes on "behind the screen" in computer experiments.

Jaksa Cvitanic Fernando Zapatero, «Introduction to the Economics and Mathematics of Financial Markets»

Jaksa Cvitanic Fernando Zapatero, «Introduction to the Economics and Mathematics of Financial Markets»
ISBN: 0262033208 | Publisher: The MIT Press | Publication Date: 2004-03-01 | Number Of Pages: 448 | PDF

Book Description
Introduction to the Economics and Mathematics of Financial Markets fills the longstanding need for an accessible yet serious textbook treatment of financial economics. The book provides a rigorous overview of the subject, while its flexible presentation makes it suitable for use with different levels of undergraduate and graduate students. Each chapter presents mathematical models of financial problems at three different degrees of sophistication: single-period, multi-period, and continuous-time. The single-period and multi-period models require only basic calculus and an introductory probability/statistics course, while an advanced undergraduate course in probability is helpful in understanding the continuous-time models. In this way, the material is given complete coverage at different levels; the less advanced student can stop before the more sophisticated mathematics and still be able to grasp the general principles of financial economics.

Adrian Baddeley Eva B. Vedel Jensen Adrian J. Baddeley - Stereology for Statisticians

Adrian Baddeley Eva B. Vedel Jensen Adrian J. Baddeley, «Stereology for Statisticians»
ISBN: 1584884053 | Publisher: Chapman & Hall/CRC | Publication Date: 2004-07-05 | Number Of Pages: 416 | pdf | 9,9 mb

Book Description
Stereology for Statisticians sets out the principles of stereology from a statistical viewpoint, focusing on both basic theory and practical implications. It discusses ways to effectively communicate statistical issues to clients, draws attention to common methodological errors, and provides references to essential literature. The first full text on design-based stereology, it opens with a review of classical and modern stereology, followed by a treatment of its mathematical foundations. It then presents core techniques. The final chapters discuss implementing practical sampling designs, summarize the variance of stereological estimators, and describe open problems for further research.

Robert J. Elliott P. Ekkehard Kopp, «Mathematics of Financial Markets (Springer Finance)

Robert J. Elliott P. Ekkehard Kopp, «Mathematics of Financial Markets (Springer Finance)»
ISBN: 0387212922 | Publisher: Springer | Publication Date: 2004-10-08 | Number Of Pages: 352 | pdf | 2 MB

Recent years have seen a number of introductory texts which focus on the applications of modern stochastic calculus to the theory of finance, and on the pricing models for derivative securities in particular. Some of these books develop the mathematics very quickly, making substantial demands on the readerOs background in advanced probability theory. Others emphasize the financial applications and do not attempt a rigorous coverage of the continuous-time calculus.

Sergey E. Lyshevski, «Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB

Sergey E. Lyshevski, «Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB»
ISBN: 0471462004 | Publisher: Wiley-Interscience | Publication Date: 2003-06-16 | Number Of Pages: 240 | pdf | 14,6 mb

Book Description
Master MATLABandreg; step-by-step The MATLAB "MATrix LABoratory" computational environment offers a rich set of capabilities to efficiently solve a variety of complex analysis, simulation, and optimization problems. Flexible, powerful, and relatively easy to use, the MATLAB environment has become a standard cost-effective tool within the engineering, science, and technology communities. Excellent as a self-teaching guide for professionals as well as a textbook for students, Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB helps you fully understand the MATLAB environment, build your skills, and apply its features to a wide range of applications. Going beyond traditional MATLAB user manuals and college texts, Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB guides you through the most important aspects and basics of MATLAB programming and problem-solving from fundamentals to practice. Augmenting its discussion with a wealth of practical worked-out examples and qualitative illustrations, this book demonstrates MATLAB s capabilities and offers step-by-step instructions on how to apply the theory to a practical real-world problem. In particular, the book features: Coverage of a variety of complex physical and engineering systems described by nonlinear differential equations Detailed application of MATLAB to electromechanical systems MATLAB files, scripts, and statements, as well as SIMULINK models which can be easily modified for application-specific problems encountered in practice Readable, user-friendly, and comprehensive in scope this is a welcome introduction to MATLAB for those new to the program and an ideal companion for engineers seeking in-depth mastery of the high-performance MATLAB environment.

D. P., Parent, «Exercises in Number Theory

D. P., Parent, «Exercises in Number Theory (Problem Books in Mathematics)»
ISBN: 0387960635 | Publisher: Springer Verlag GmbH | Publication Date: 1984-09-01 | Number Of Pages: 556 | djvu | 2,9 mb

Editorial Reviews

Language Notes
Text: English, French (translation)

P.M. Gruber C.G. Lekkerkerker, «Geometry of Numbers (North-Holland Mathematical Library)»

P.M. Gruber C.G. Lekkerkerker, «Geometry of Numbers (North-Holland Mathematical Library)»ISBN: 0444701524 | Publisher: North Holland | Publication Date: 1987-05-01 | Number Of Pages: 732 | djvu | 7,5 mb

This volume contains a fairly complete picture of the geometry of numbers, including relations to other branches of mathematics such as analytic number theory, diophantine approximation, coding and numerical analysis. It deals with convex or non-convex bodies and lattices in euclidean space, etc.

This second edition was prepared jointly by P.M. Gruber and the author of the first edition. The authors have retained the existing text (with minor corrections) while adding to each chapter supplementary sections on the more recent developments. While this method may have drawbacks, it has the definite advantage of showing clearly where recent progress has taken place and in what areas interesting results may be expected in the future.

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