Publisher CMP Books
Author(s) Barry Kauler
ISBN 087930474X
Release Date 01 August 1997
Provides Windows programmers with details of and deep insights into the inner system functions of Microsoft Windows Essential for Win95 and other advanced Windows programmers Ideal for software developers who are moving applications from Windows 3.x t o Windows 95 Includes disk of example programs, source code, documentation, and utilities
In this book and disk set, Barry Kauler explains the exacting details of Windows programming at the system level. He dissects the fundamentals of hardware man agreement and explores the history and advanced architectural details of Windows, the PC processor family, and systems programming in Real and Protected modes. For everything from BIOS, direct hardware access, and virtual machines to real-time events and options for managing program transitions, Kauler gives the how-to information and example code advanced software developers need for the full range of Windows systems-level programming for Windows 3.1 to Windows 95. For programmers new to Windows, this book demystifies assembly language programming for Microsoft Windows. Kauler thoroughly examines the basic concepts of Windows, and reveals systems programming tips and tricks. He explains the architectures of the microprocessor hardware, and how these features affect programming; introduces object-oriented programming from a nuts-and-bolts perspective; demonstrates how to write complete object-oriented assembly language programs in as little as nine lines; shows how to interface C and assembly code; takes readers “inside” Windows to learn the architectural details that Microsoft never publicly documented; explains how to move between Real and Protected modes; illustrates the art of thinking from 16 bits to 32 bits and back again; and provides detailed, hard-to-find reference information. Plus, Kauler’s companion disk is a treasure trove of example programs, useful source code, further documentation, and powerful utilities.
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